{ "token_id": 55, "name": "Mathare Memories 55", "project_id": 2, "project_name": "Mathare Memories", "project_slug": "mathare-memories", "artist": "Matto", "artist_address": "0xA6a4Fe416F8Bf46bc3bCA068aC8b1fC4DF760653", "description": "…I wonder where this girl and her sibling are now, fifteen years later as of 2022.\n\nInteractivity:\n\nPress 'P' or long press/click and release on an image to play a short audio recording of Matto reading the token's description. Press 'N' or double-click to display the next token in the collection, and press 'R' to return to the token's starting content. Use the greater-than and less-than keys to change the brightness of the matte displayed behind the image.", "collection_name": "Mathare Memories", "aspect_ratio": 1, "script_type": "p5.js", "script_inputs": { "token_id": 55, "transfer_count": 1, "imageURI_base": "https://arweave.net/dtEayxAD2Aknd8g8WWyErEX37kesMRsJhbopwDYPhdo/", "audioURI_base": "https://arweave.net/CUfbbFNY1tBfEP73wthtXOokfaKFGqDvnn83Bk9ZSig/" }, "image": "https://arweave.net/dtEayxAD2Aknd8g8WWyErEX37kesMRsJhbopwDYPhdo/55.png", "image_mid": "https://mattoapi.blob.core.windows.net/mathare-images/mid-55.png", "thumbnail_url": "https://mattoapi.blob.core.windows.net/mathare-images/thumb-55.png", "animation_url": "https://api.substratum.art/project/mathare-memories/generator/55", "generator_url": "https://api.substratum.art/project/mathare-memories/generator/55", "website": "https://substratum.art/project/mathare-memories", "external_url": "https://substratum.art/project/mathare-memories/token/55", "license": "All Rights Reserved", "royalty_info": { "royalty_fee_by_id": 10, "charity_address": "0x2eEa9f8eb2a3365175c7cb25Db9ae277bE218806" }, "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Artist", "value": "Matto" }, { "trait_type": "Location", "value": "Mathare Slum, Nairobi Kenya" }, { "trait_type": "Photograph Taken", "value": "December 2007" }, { "trait_type": "Token Minted", "value": "December 2022" }, { "trait_type": "Charitable Donation", "value": "100% Primary Sales & Secondary Fees" }, { "trait_type": "Accessibility", "value": "ARIA Description" }, { "trait_type": "Media Storage", "value": "Arweave" }, { "trait_type": "Image Filetype", "value": "PNG" }, { "trait_type": "Audio Filetype", "value": "MP4" }, { "trait_type": "Image URI Base", "value": "https://arweave.net/dtEayxAD2Aknd8g8WWyErEX37kesMRsJhbopwDYPhdo/" }, { "trait_type": "Audio URI Base", "value": "https://arweave.net/CUfbbFNY1tBfEP73wthtXOokfaKFGqDvnn83Bk9ZSig/" }, { "trait_type": "Transfer Count", "value": 0 }, { "trait_type": "Copyright", "value": "All Rights Reserved" } ] }